Oh no! Lord you have got to be kidding, but our need is a BATHROOM!! How many of you know first - hand that in order for the Lord to completely fulfill your dream it often requires a stripping of the pride first.
Due to circumstances of late, it has become necessary for my husband and I to redefine our space and our dreams. As many of you know we were merrily on our way to a dream – to be closer to our children and grandchildren in Cookeville, TN.
Not only was our desire to be there, but we believed that both of our dreams were tied up in this move. We are yet to know if this is a death to our dream to move or if it a delay. What God has worked in me through this process is still to be revealed and a writing for another day. Some days I cannot see the pen and paper for the tears.
After much, much prayer and seeking Godly counsel, we did exactly what we believed we were supposed to do; closing our business here, opening another business there, and listing our home for sale. My pride would love to announce that things went smooth as “buttah.” If you were to put paper and pencil to this venture it appears to be anything but a dream - instead it appears to be a great loss.
To say our dreams have been met with resistance would be an understatement! Neither do you want to hear the details, nor if I tried to list them, you and I both would have to go to bed!
Michael is on this side of surgery and begins chemotherapy treatments this upcoming Wednesday. Never could you have told me we could look forward to any such thing. What we are looking forward to is facing this giant head on with the "yes and Amen to the promises of God" and going forward whatever that necessitates.
Our "stuff" is still packed up in two places - here and Cookeville. In making the decision to close our new office it has left us both without space. The facts remain we still need an office for Michael and a studio for me. So true to Flynn style, we have sought counsel - Godly and practical. In considering making an addition to our 100 year-old Victorian home we have determined that is no longer an option.
The uncertainty of the future makes any of our decisions high-risk. A pastor friend of ours asked us when have we considered anything less!
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