Ministry takes whatever form our hearts need.
Several years ago our daughter attended Bible College, and had the opportunity to go on a mission’s trip. So what’s the big deal about that? People go on mission’s trips all the time.
First of all, you would have to meet our daughter to fully appreciate this story. Upon first impression, you might count her out. It’s not just because she is our daughter, but she is simply gorgeous. With her long eyelashes and perfectly manicured nails, she looks like she would be much more comfortable adorning the cover of some beauty magazine than sitting under a mosquito net.
Plus, this was going to be an extremely rigorous, dangerous trip. The ministry team would be going into the jungles of Mexico. The ministry they would be serving for two weeks had already experienced the heartache of several of their ministry team being attacked.
If you took a closer look you would find that under all the make-up, latest fashions, and Cosmetology License was such a shy, gentle spirit, and a pure heart of compassion. She would not be denied! Our daughter had made her mind up, and was praying to be one of the 20 that would be chosen. There were the nay sayers that told her there was no way she would be selected. Which, honestly, would have been perfectly fine with me. The only problem…the Lord had spoken to my heart and informed me just how important it was that our daughter be a part of this trip. So even before the announcement, I began compiling a letter complete with a list of scriptures to pray while they were gone.
We knew up front there would be very little, if any, communication. We also knew that among the students allowed to make this trip the majority were male, fiery upcoming preachers. We had to trust that our “little girl” armed with her Bible, and hair cutting equipment was being aimed into the perfect will of God.
Upon her return home, we had a Sunday afternoon housewarming party to thank all the friends and family who had made it possible for her to go. After the cake and punch we all gathered around to hear of her exciting adventure. They had been spared any real danger, or encounters with real jungle animals. What she did encounter- face to face- was the will of God for her life at that specific time and place.
The missionary’s wife in the camp where they stayed shared a secret with our daughter, not knowing she was a Cosmetologist by trade. She confessed that one by one, she had come to terms with letting go of the everyday conveniences that we all take soooo for granted, with the exception of one. She longed for the day she could travel back to the states and have a “Spa Day.”
Our daughter choked back the tears as she described how in the middle of a jungle, 5,000 feet above sea level she had been able to fulfill the longing of one of God’s servants. Ministry takes whatever form our hearts need.
A Woman Never Outgrows the Need To Be Beautiful To Someone.
(To be continued)
t-t-f-n (ta-ta-for-now)
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
PART I: A Woman Never Outgrows the Need to Be Beautiful To Someone
Many, many years ago there was a young lady in our church who, to be politically correct, was a midget. People assumed because this person was unusually short, that she was also handicapped. SOOOOOOOO WRONG! She was very bright and articulate, but few had taken the time to find that out.
A dear friend of mine had befriended this lady and her husband. Their lives consisted of more challenges than the average person could endure. At the time her husband was both an alcoholic and was battling cancer, not to mention their financial difficulties.
After a few visits to the church, and just plain being loved on they both gloriously gave their hearts to the Lord. Their faithfulness was admirable. It was close to the Christmas Holidays and our newest church member had joined the choir and was going to sing in the Christmas Cantata. I felt the Lord impressed me to make an investment in this woman in the form of a shopping trip and a day of beauty. Little did I know she had NEVER had this experience.
When two of my best buds found out what I was up to they wanted to be included in on the adventure as well. The plans were made. I made an appointment for her at the local beauty school for the works…hair, make-up, etc.
I prayed about where to take her shopping. In the morning newspaper were the BEST coupons to one of my favorite stores. I also prayed the Lord would stretch our finances. He did! Without knowing it we all arrived waving the same coupons! We had three times the amount of money to splurge. The Lord also told me to bring my camera, which I promptly forgot. Being more obedient than I, my other bud pulled a camera out of her purse. YAHOOOOO! We were on our way!
I have never had so much fun in my life!!!! We laughed and cried everywhere we went. The entire beauty school sniffed and dabbed their eyes as they watched this precious soul get transformed before us all. They donated all of their services.
My “little” friend cried as well. She had the hair dresser turn her around and around in the chair to see her new ‘do’ from every angle. I had determined that she had naturally curly hair and if she would allow the girl to cut it quite a bit all of those glorious curls would pop into place. WA-LAHHH – Just as predicted!!!!
Once we arrived at the store we all three went in different directions to make our own selections for our beauty candidate. Just one little problem….she did not have a clue as to what size she wore. All of her clothes were hand-me-downs that someone would cut up and alter for her.
When the sales clerks realized what we were doing they were WILD! They were running in different directions waving their opinions in the air yelling across the store, “Hey, what about this?” Clothes, hangars, and price tags were flying. We looked like a game show!
Each time we threw an outfit over the dressing room door our ‘little’ model would step out and turn round about for our applause whether it fit or not. Even though we found the correct size, everything was still about six inches too long, both the arms and legs. A precious saint of the church agreed to do all of the alterations for free.
We worked every discount we could find. In addition to the new church clothes and a bit of jewelry, the coupons made it possible to buy her a red winter coat and gloves. We were high with excitement!
We were running out of time and money, but I felt the Lord prompt me to ask her what kind of shirt would her husband like. I nearly fainted when she very accurately described a plaid western shirt, but only with pearl button snaps. She knew his size. Where were we ever going to find anything like that in such a short amount of time?
I told the girls to hold on while I ran next door to the men’s department. There on the sales table was the shirt she had described just waiting for me to pick it up for delivery. I was hysterical!
These sales clerks were not privy to what was taking place next door and just probably thought I had missed my hormone shot. I don’t remember exactly if I kissed that shirt or not, but I would say from the strange looks, YES, I did.
Our newly dressed friend was so exhausted, she actually asked us to take her home!!!! We did not know she was ill. On the trip back to the church we prayed for her healing. By the time she crawled out of my vehicle, she had a complete makeover and a healed body. Her little face was flush with the presence of the Lord. WHAT A GLORIOUS DAY!!!!
The night of the Cantata I met my friend early in the church bathroom. Look out! I was a woman on a mission. Armed with every beauty paraphernalia I could single handedly carry I was going to help her get dressed for her debut. I felt like I was wrapping a present. When she stepped out on that stage she looked like the “Christmas Star.” I could hardly contain myself.
She has never been the same, and neither have I.
(To be continued)….
t-t-f-n ( ta-ta-for now )
A dear friend of mine had befriended this lady and her husband. Their lives consisted of more challenges than the average person could endure. At the time her husband was both an alcoholic and was battling cancer, not to mention their financial difficulties.
After a few visits to the church, and just plain being loved on they both gloriously gave their hearts to the Lord. Their faithfulness was admirable. It was close to the Christmas Holidays and our newest church member had joined the choir and was going to sing in the Christmas Cantata. I felt the Lord impressed me to make an investment in this woman in the form of a shopping trip and a day of beauty. Little did I know she had NEVER had this experience.
When two of my best buds found out what I was up to they wanted to be included in on the adventure as well. The plans were made. I made an appointment for her at the local beauty school for the works…hair, make-up, etc.
I prayed about where to take her shopping. In the morning newspaper were the BEST coupons to one of my favorite stores. I also prayed the Lord would stretch our finances. He did! Without knowing it we all arrived waving the same coupons! We had three times the amount of money to splurge. The Lord also told me to bring my camera, which I promptly forgot. Being more obedient than I, my other bud pulled a camera out of her purse. YAHOOOOO! We were on our way!
I have never had so much fun in my life!!!! We laughed and cried everywhere we went. The entire beauty school sniffed and dabbed their eyes as they watched this precious soul get transformed before us all. They donated all of their services.
My “little” friend cried as well. She had the hair dresser turn her around and around in the chair to see her new ‘do’ from every angle. I had determined that she had naturally curly hair and if she would allow the girl to cut it quite a bit all of those glorious curls would pop into place. WA-LAHHH – Just as predicted!!!!
Once we arrived at the store we all three went in different directions to make our own selections for our beauty candidate. Just one little problem….she did not have a clue as to what size she wore. All of her clothes were hand-me-downs that someone would cut up and alter for her.
When the sales clerks realized what we were doing they were WILD! They were running in different directions waving their opinions in the air yelling across the store, “Hey, what about this?” Clothes, hangars, and price tags were flying. We looked like a game show!
Each time we threw an outfit over the dressing room door our ‘little’ model would step out and turn round about for our applause whether it fit or not. Even though we found the correct size, everything was still about six inches too long, both the arms and legs. A precious saint of the church agreed to do all of the alterations for free.
We worked every discount we could find. In addition to the new church clothes and a bit of jewelry, the coupons made it possible to buy her a red winter coat and gloves. We were high with excitement!
We were running out of time and money, but I felt the Lord prompt me to ask her what kind of shirt would her husband like. I nearly fainted when she very accurately described a plaid western shirt, but only with pearl button snaps. She knew his size. Where were we ever going to find anything like that in such a short amount of time?
I told the girls to hold on while I ran next door to the men’s department. There on the sales table was the shirt she had described just waiting for me to pick it up for delivery. I was hysterical!
These sales clerks were not privy to what was taking place next door and just probably thought I had missed my hormone shot. I don’t remember exactly if I kissed that shirt or not, but I would say from the strange looks, YES, I did.
Our newly dressed friend was so exhausted, she actually asked us to take her home!!!! We did not know she was ill. On the trip back to the church we prayed for her healing. By the time she crawled out of my vehicle, she had a complete makeover and a healed body. Her little face was flush with the presence of the Lord. WHAT A GLORIOUS DAY!!!!
The night of the Cantata I met my friend early in the church bathroom. Look out! I was a woman on a mission. Armed with every beauty paraphernalia I could single handedly carry I was going to help her get dressed for her debut. I felt like I was wrapping a present. When she stepped out on that stage she looked like the “Christmas Star.” I could hardly contain myself.
She has never been the same, and neither have I.
(To be continued)….
t-t-f-n ( ta-ta-for now )
Curly Hair,
Saturday, October 2, 2010
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